If you are interested in becoming a member of Alpha Zeta Sigma, all you need to do is contact an officer.  Their email addresses are listed in the Contact Us section of the website.  You may also contact them at school.  

To be a member of the club, you need to be an active student in the Criminal Justice Program at school or a past graduate of the program.  

If you are interested in becoming a national member, which also includes voting privileges, simply obtain an application for membership from an officer or in Theory 6. 

Membership Costs

Initial Membership

$41.00 (Includes $36 membership & $5 processing fee

Renewal Membership

$35.00 (Includes $30 renewal & $5 processing fee)

Interim-Membership (Unofficial member)

$5.00 (Member benefits, with voting priveleges, just not nationally acknowledged & can not be an officer)


 Please bring cash to any officer so we can send it into Nationals. You can bring it to a meeting if you so desire.

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